Karfan er tóm.
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- Forrit og skýrsluhald
- Fjárvís.is
- Huppa.is
- Worldfengur.com
- Jörð.is
- dkBúbót
- Heiðrún.is
- Aðstoð
- Innheimta, verðskrá og reglur
- Um okkur
Karfan er tóm.
Personally identifiable information is data that can be used to identify or contact a particular individual.
Online privacy policy is only applicable to information gathered on our website, but not to information collected by other means.
When our customers register on the website, we can collect a number of information, your name, email address, phone number and email address. The goal is to offer our customers better services and to increase the quality of the online store and services we deliver.
Payment information is never saved on our servers.
Personal information is never handed over to other parties without permission except for the delivery of goods or services that customers have requested.
We use email addresses to provide customers with information about products, news about the company and information about our services and related products.
We take steps to protect customer information. Credit card transactions are performed on encrypted pages with the credit card company. After the transaction, no credit card information is stored on our servers.
We use cookies to record our customers' experiences, so we can better meet them. Cookies are information programs that browser applications save on user computers. They have a certain period of validity and expire after that.
Icelandic privacy laws provide that all users of the site can make changes to their recorded information at any time. If a client wishes to change or delete his information and related data, he is asked to contact us at rml@rml.is.is or at phone 5165000. You can also send mail to the following address: Agricultural Advisory Center, Óseyri 2, 603 Akureyri.
To ensure the security of your personally identifying information, RML staff is informed about our privacy and security practices.
By using our website, our customers agree to our personal guidelines and any changes that may be made to it.
Our Privacy Policy was last updated May 25, 2018.
Síminn hjá okkur er opinn kl. 09.00–12.00 og 13.00–16.00 alla virka daga nema föstudaga, þá er opið 9-12.