Karfan er tóm.
- Ráðgjöf
- Kynbótastarf
- Forrit og skýrsluhald
- Fjárvís.is
- Huppa.is
- Worldfengur.com
- Jörð.is
- dkBúbót
- Heiðrún.is
- Aðstoð
- Innheimta, verðskrá og reglur
- Um okkur
Karfan er tóm.
The Icelandic Agricultural Advisory Center (RML) is a private limited company owned by the Farmers' Association of Iceland. The primary role of RML is to ensure that all farmers in Iceland have access to advisory services regardless of where they live or their chosen branch of agriculture. RML also carries out various statutory tasks, such as implementation of breeding programs in Icelandic livestock breeds.
RML provides professional consulting for farmers concerning most aspects of agriculture such as animal husbandry, breeding, soil cultivation, horticulture, farm management and environmental and climate issues. In addition, RML runs an IT department that is responsible for maintaining and developing various heard recording and farm management software
Employees are around 50 and are located at 12 establishments throughout the country.
In addition to providing Icelandic farmers with integrated and comprehensive advice, RML works on various projects for companies and public bodies where the expertise of RML employees is useful for the benefit of Icelandic agriculture
Our telephone number is +354 516 5000 and email is: rml(at)rml.is.
Manager: Karvel L. Karvelsson, klk(at)rml.is
Chairman: Sveinn Rúnar Ragnarsson, stjornarformadur(at)rml.is
Location of The Icelandic Agricultural Advisory Centre offices.
Síminn hjá okkur er opinn kl. 09.00–12.00 og 13.00–16.00 alla virka daga nema föstudaga, þá er opið 9-12.